"Full House", the light hearted Korean mini-series, based on a comic strip of the same name, captivated many Filipino viwers with its touching lovers tale of an everyday girl and a very famous actor. It made many viewers laugh with the characters crazy antics and witty attitude. It also made some people shout in frustration when ever Yung Jae(Justin), ditches Ji-eun(Jessie), for his best friend since childhood. Don't you just wanna strangle Yueng Jae when ever he does that? I know I do. But in the end both the lead characters finally had the guts to admit that they do love each other. So all's well that ends well.
So what makes "Full House" different from the other drama series? Simple, there's really no "kontrabida" who makes the lead character's life miserable. The story is simple and cute, a romantic-comedy tv series that will surely make you both laugh and cry at the same time. And the character's clothes are so nice!! Colorful and fashionable.
And did you know that the house they used to shoot the mini-series was especially made only for the mini-series. And it cost 1 million US dollars!!