Sunday, August 21, 2005

I Try...

I try my best to take each day one at a time. I try not to worry about what will happen tommorrow, if i will be able to get through the day without messing things up, or will I make it this sem without failing any subjects. But lately it's as if several days have attacked me all at once. School works keep on stacking up, we need to do this and that... a paper is due tommorrow, a subject that I can't fully understand, a lousy teacher and the list goes on!! I don't really know how to survive this sem, but I'm really trying to do whatever that is needed to be done in order to pass all my subjects. A friend once told me that I like to procrastinate things, which I think is true. I'll start to do something then I'll stop doing it and continue after an hour or so. The truth is laziness is my biggest problem, my enemy. And I'm trying my best not to be lazy.
I do believe that everything will just fine and I know the best is yet to come.

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