Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The hypochondriac strikes again

Darn! Our cat Maliksi scratched my left leg (the thigh part). He settled on my lap because he wanted to be petted. When I thought that he already had enough petting, I tried to move him down on the floor. Just as I was lifting him, he suddenly tried to grab my left leg scratching me in the process. And being the paranoid-semi-hypochondriac that I am, I immediately thought that I might get rabies from his scratch. Goodness! Despite the fact the 2 of  friends already assured me that I won't get any rabies from that scratch well I still have my reservations. Although it's rare to acquire rabies via a sratch, still who knows if his nails and paws has his saliva on it.

Gaaaaaddddd!!! If anyhting happens blame it all on the cat. 

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