Saturday, June 09, 2007

Let there be rain!!

There's one thing a person should never say to a communication arts student, and that is 'ang saya naman ng AB walang ginagawa' and the worst thing one could ever say is 'madali lang course mo'

I mean come on!! Most people think that taking up communication arts in college is easy. And that idea is dead wrong. WRONG!! WRONG!! WRONG!! INCORRECT!! NOT TRUE!! What else should I say to make people understand that any course in AB is just as hard as an engineering or a science course? How many times have I defended my course to those people with 'my course is harder, we have lots of things to do blah blah blah' attitude. Hmmmm... that sounds like someone we had interviewed months ago (but I do hope he gets into a medical school) haha!!. People like that don't understand that any course is as hard as any other course there is and it doesn't matter what school you come from. My blood boils everytime I remember those people who belittled my course or my faculty. This rant about those people who think that way about my course and my beloved faculty has long been overdue. How many times have I wanted to write about how irritating it is when people say 'madali lang naman course mo eh'? Some people don't understand how grueling it is to produce a 15-minute seconder teaser for an advertisement or how mentally taxing it is to coneptualize a film, documentary, communication plan or a storyline for a script. No one really knows that until they experience the things I have mentioned. It's a widespread common misconception that people from the Faculty of Arts and Letters have it easy. Is it our fault that our we study and have fun at the same time? Courses from my faulty are really interesting because we're not boxed within the four walls of our classroom, the library and the univesity itself. Some people think that it's fun to shoot films, commercial, documentary etc. and well they are correct but it doesn't mean that it is easy. We don't just point and shoot our cameras and capture footages on a whim. There's a process we follow and because other people doesn't know about that, they think it's a breezy and dandy task. They don't even know how long it takes to edit a 5-minute documentary.

eeekkk!! the electricity suddenly went out!! Thank goodness blogger has an autosave feature now teehee..


Hay!! nawala na ko sa mood magsulat, nawala na rin yung pagkairita ko hehe... next time ko na lang itutuloy reklamo ko sa mga taong nangmamaliit sa course ko. Hmpf!! akala mo kung sino hmpf!!

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