Monday, April 10, 2006

Can't Get Over This!! ARRRGGHHH!!

It's been two years since the Barbie and Ken break-up, they're dolls I know!! They're made of plastic, they're not real people so why would anyone care if they decided to go to splitsville? Well, probably someone do care and guess who it is... no it's not the president of whatever country that is, and it's not your crush either, it's no other but... of course me... I don't know why but I feel betrayed when they went on their seperate ways. After 43 years of being inseperable, 43 years of being the the best fashion doll couples in the world, all those years went down the drain. I can't even bare to watch Barbie's other movies since their break-up. I don't know why I feel that way. Maybe it's beacause I grew up seeing Barbie and Ken together and their break-up shattered my dream ever since I was a little kid that someday, somehow they'll tie the knot. But they say that the break-up was caused by Ken's lack in interest in getting married. Some say that it's because Barbie found a new love interest in an Australian surfer. What ever the reason is, I still can't let go of Barbie-Ken days... Since I was little it was them. If Barbie will come out with cowboy suit, Ken will also have a cowboy suit. Well anyways, mayybe someday I'll learn to accept that there's no Barbie and Ken anymore. Right now I don't like anything that has to do with Barbie... They broke my heart...

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